
Top notch service with top notch technique, professionalism and results!  Highly recommend!  Dawn is skilled in cutting edge microdermabrasion and facial techniques that have quite literally made me look ten years younger!  Did I mention her massages are OUTSTANDING too!!!  While you are there ask Dawn any fitness related questions as she is an expert when it comes to fitness and nutrition too!  5 STARS! 
Lindsay M.Granite Bay, CA


Read Full Testimonal(XFATwo Client)

I am 40 years old and have worked out off and on most of my life. I am very active and like participating in different sports. I wanted to get in better shape and was looking for something new. In the past two years I have worked out pretty consistently, but felt my workouts were like groundhog day. I needed something to change things up. I have done P90X in the past and liked the principle of muscle confusion. I heard about Dawn and X Body Concepts and thought this was just what I needed to change things up.

I decided to do the XFATWO as my diet was pretty disciplined and only needed some minor tweaking. My beginning weight was 192 lbs. I did the hydrostatic body fat testing in the beginning as I was told it was the most accurate. To my surprise my body fat % was 12.9%. I thought it was much higher. My goal was to loose body fat and keep as much muscle mass as possible. My goal was to get to 10% body fat or less.

As I continued week by week I felt stronger and could see the results. I felt like I had a lot of energy and always felt I got a good workout. Every couple weeks as the workouts changed I felt like I had that “good muscle soreness”, which told me the workouts were working and my muscles were no getting used to the same old workout.

Dawn is very knowledgable and was always there to answer questions. The X Body Concepts Facebook page was also very helpful and motivating. There were articles published relating to diet and different exercises which were very helpful.  It was very motivating to have that kind of support.

At the end of the 14 weeks I felt I saw good results. I was down to 181 lbs. My arm, quad, and calf size stayed the same, however I felt I could see more definition. I gained size in my chest and shoulders, and lost 2 1/2 inches in my waist. My final body fat percentage was 10.6%. Even though I was slightly off from my goal of 10% body fat, I feel I could have obtained that goal had I been a little more strict in my cardio efforts.

All in all I am very pleased with the program and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to loose body fat and lean out. I may try the XLRG program over the winter and run the XFAT program again in the spring.

Dave O.Rocklin, CA

Read Full Testimonial – (XFAT Client)So I felt inclined to write a testimonial about my experience with the XBC workout and nutritional plans…  I’m not one to pass my name off on something on a whim, I truly have to believe in the product, which in this case I do.  I have gone a long time trying to reach my fitness and body image goals and have struggled for a long time.  Fitness has always been a challenge for me.  I was into it and wanted to do it, but in a world where attention spans are measured in seconds, if I didn’t see results extremely fast I was disheartened and eventually gave up on the endeavor.

Fast forward some time later and again I’m trying to get into shape, not only for the sake of vanity but for my job in law enforcement. Not knowing how to go about radically changing my body, I sought out Dawn at XBODYCONCEPTS and her XFAT program.  The results were undeniable and I felt the difference right away. A couple weeks in and I started to see the difference in myself.  A few more weeks and other people were seeing the difference in me and the compliments started pouring in. When this happens it fuels your fire and it makes adopting this lifestyle very easy which is what happened to me. 

Don’t get me wrong there were times I was cursing the high heavens because I was sore, felt sick from being sore, tired, weak, and hated eating.  In that struggle, you find what you’re really made of.  The question is not if Dawn’s plans work because they do, and they do very well, you will be hard pressed to find anyone more knowledgeable or more accessible than Dawn.  She is always available to answer any questions or hear any concerns you may have.  The question becomes if you have the constitution and courage to stick it out when it all seems lost and there is no end in sight.  All the tools you need are here.  The secret is that your results won’t come from a pill, powder, gel, or whatever, they come from dedication and hard work, as they should!  Que the motivational posters we have all come to love so dearly!

So my results after completion of the XFAT program are as follows:

Body fat: 12.6% to 9.2%

Weight: 168lbs to 175lbs (lean muscle gains!)

I lost body fat and gained muscle at the same time!  Plus definition and I can see my abs….

So without any mental reservation I highly recommend Dawn and her XBC programs!  I am truly appreciative to Dawn and Chad and all the other XBC members for all their advice and guidance along my journey which is still not yet complete.  I will check back in and give you my results after I finish the XBC XLRG program!

Terrance H.Lincoln, CA

Read Full Testimonial – (XFAT Client) – After just one month of the XBODYCONCEPTS way, I feel great. I am not yet where I want to be, but the progress is encouraging. I have lost 8lbs of fat, gained 7lbs of muscle and went from 12.8% body fat down to 8.4%. I always thought eating “clean” would be horrible. It has actually become much easier and more convenient. I nolnger have to figure out what to eat on the fly. It allows me to be more organized and productive throughout my day. Not to mention, I am no longer tempted to gorge on fast food junk. I am excited about my progress and look forward to what i can accomplish in the next month, two, three, four…..

Adam C.Sacramento, CA

I had a great experience with Dawn! Very friendly, not pushy, truly cares about your needs. Great location, cute building and even cuter studio! Her years of experience and passion for her work truly shows!

Diana E.Roseville, CA

As a fellow esthetician I have to say Dawn is great. Her facial left me feeling relaxed and my skin glowing!!  She’s now my go to for all my skin care services…she also does a great peel and micro. Go see Dawn you will be happy you did.

Kelley H.Lincoln, CA

Read Full Testimonial – (XFAT(Lite) Client) – I met Dawn and her XBODYCONCEPTS team online via Facebook. I saw her before and after pictures on Facebook and decided to inbox her. From then on, she has been a huge motivator for me. After many difficult years of dealing with Bulimia, abusing my body and still not liking what I saw….it was time. I began my road to recovery by concentrating on eating and being comfortable with it, this was hard for me. I also concentrated on exercising and learning proper form, I wanted to do it right. That all worked. I was seeing some change. But then after a few months of training, I noticed I was at a stand still. I kept in contact with Dawn quite frequently. I explained to her what I was feeling and seeing. She had an answer.

I began working with Dawn to begin my fitness journey. Dawn recommended that I begin with the XFAT(LITE) program for 6 weeks. Dawn explained to me, that through years of abusing my body, I had stalled my metabolism and it needed a kick-start. Dawn also informed me that while working to trick my body and kick-start my metabolism there would be a high probability that I might gain weight and body fat. Of course I was hesitant. I figured Dawn knew what she was talking about and if that did happen, it was going to be while I was eating healthy and working out. I joined Dawn’s XBODYCONCEPTS team on March 20, 2012. I joined weighing 148 pounds, 20.7% body fat, 117 pounds of lean mass.

I remained on the XFAT(LITE) program for 6 weeks. Now keep in mind, as part of Dawn’s strategy to kick-start my metabolism, I did no cardio during this time. Remember, the goal was to kick-start my metabolism. My results? Six weeks later I weighed 147 pounds, 16.9% body fat, 123 pounds of lean mass. I LOST A POUND, LOST BODYFAT AND GAINED 6 LBS OF MUSCLE! Yes…that deserves all caps. Both tests were done with the BODPOD, so they are accurate. Plus, my mirror says it’s accurate.

On May 1st, I decided to stay on board with the XBODYCONCEPTS team and started XFAT. I can’t wait to see what this does for me and this body. You really can’t go wrong by this program. It’s all right there, just follow. Plus, you get the most amazing team of motivators who all ‘get it’. I couldn’t thank Dawn and her team more. I have found a forever friend in XBODYCONCEPTS.

Lori G.Minneapolis, MN

Read Full Testimonial – (XFAT Client) – After running the XBodyConcepts XFAT program I dropped 6% bodyfat !!!  I made a significant reduction in my waist size all while putting on a significant amount of muscle!  I was shocked at my results and am a true believer in the XBodyConcepts system!  I plan to continue on and see how lean and muscular I can get.  This is just the beginning of a better me!  Thanks Dawn!

Manoj S.Columbus, OH

Click to View Transformation – (XFAT Client)Hello XBodyConcepts Family, I want to give a little background about my journey into bodybuilding and becoming a figure competitor.  During July of 2010, a friend introduced me to weight training and helped me prepare for my first Figure competition.  I didn’t place or even make the top ten in the competition, but I was hooked for sure.  I was determined to improve my physique by following a simple diet and weight training routine.  When I began training, my starting body fat was 28% and I weighed 165 pounds on a 5 foot 9 inch frame, needless to say I was skinny-fat.

In February of 2011, I decided to hire a professional trainer to help me train for my second competition.  Once again, I didn’t place, but I was considerably more conditioned than the previous show.  I was determined to prove to myself that I could make the necessary improvements by my third competition.

After my second competition, my body hit a plateau, I was stuck.  The extreme double cardio sessions and strict dieting left my body in a state of confusion.  No matter how hard I worked out, I continued to put on extra pounds and found myself at 179 pounds and 17% body fat!  I had also suffered a strained hamstring during a track workout that hindered my workouts.  It was suggested by a friend, that I contact Dawn at XBodyConcepts to get my diet and training dialed in for maximum results.  I was told that Dawn was an expert in getting people past their sticking points and had many strategies that she used to jumpstart her clients’ metabolism in situations where they had created problems for themselves using other far less effective weight loss and/or training schemes.

I started the XBodyConcepts XFAT program on December 11, 2011.  Dawn customized the program using a unique strategy to trick my body’s stalled metabolism into being a fat burning machine.  It was hard to believe I could eat the items on my meal plan, work out and still get results.  I had to resist my temptation to revert back to my old overtraining style of working out (i.e. double cardio days, etc.), in order to get the true benefits of the XFAT program.  As the weeks went on, I continued to consistently watch the body fat melt away, but with ease.  I also noticed I was gaining muscle.  I continued with the XFAT program up until five weeks before my competition and then transitioned to a specific Pre-Competition training regimen to dial in my physique for the May 5, 2012 – NPC Contra Costa Bodybuilding Competition.

Five weeks prior to the competition, I was amazed at the obvious improvements of my physique.  I had never had so much lean muscle mass coupled with such low body fat.  It was effortless compared to what I had been putting my body through prior to finding Dawn and XBodyConcepts.

THE RESULT…  On May 5, 2012, weighing in at 140 pounds and approximately 6% body fat, I won first place in the NPC Contra Costa Bodybuilding Competition (35+ Figure Competitor) and won fourth place overall in the open Figure Competitor Division.  The key to my success was allowing Dawn at XBodyConcepts to take me outside my comfort zone.  All I had to do was follow the XBodyConcepts plan and everything else fell into place!” (Click to View Transformation)

Nicole B. (IFBB)Lincoln, CA

I had another fantastic appointment with Dawn today.  I had the most relaxing massage and I already feel less stressed than I did when I went in.  I go to Dawn for my skin care also but I needed a massage, badly!  She was great!

Amy B.Roseville, CA

My appointments with Dawn are something I look forward to every couple of months.  I know I will always receive a great facial as well as an amazing neck & shoulder massage, but Dawn also takes time to make sure her clients feel comfortable and relaxed ensuring an enjoyable experience during every visit.  Dawn is very professional, knowledgeable and passionate about her work.  She is genuinely concerned about helping find the right skin care regimen for me and each of her clients.  Every facial is always customized and tailored to my skin’s needs. I most commonly visit Esthetics by Dawn for Facials w/ultrasonic microdermabrasion and I am extremely happy with the results. I always leave with amazing feeling skin and Dawn’s advice on how to maintain healthy & radiant looking skin between visits.  I have been a client of Dawn’s for quite a few years and highly recommend her services.  Soothing music, calming aroma and a friendly face are just a few added bonuses to the wonderful services provided by Dawn.

Kassi M.Roseville, CA



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