XFAT (Lite) Client
“I was sick of going to the gym and using only the cardio equipment and signing up for boot camp classes. I wanted something with more serious results. After talking to Dawn at XbodyConcepts and seeing her results I knew I wanted to do the XFATLTE program as soon as possible! I knew in order to do this I needed to be focused, set some serious but realistic goals, commit myself to the workouts and mostly stick with following the diet!!! After the first 3 weeks I noticed my body starting to change and seeing that I was gaining lean muscle. I am already starting to see the definition I want.
Having the specific meals plan tailored for me of what, how much and when to eat really keeps me on track. I don’t have to think about what to cook. I love it! I prepare all my next day meals the night before so there’s no excuses!!!!
It’s hard work!!! Be motivated, dedicated, committed and stay FOCUSED and you will have guaranteed results! Thanks Dawn for all your help, motivation and giving me the courage to get in there and lift those weights!!!”
– Stacey P. (Fair Oaks, CA)