It felt like the day that I turned 44, I was a different person. Not just because of the number but because of how I felt. I have always been a tall, fit to semi-fit runner girl that could pretty much eat what I wanted, drink what I wanted, then just miraculously run it off.  Then 44 happened and it was over.  It literally stopped and I was getting….gasp…FAT!  I could still hide it but I couldn’t fit into any of my clothes.  I’m 5’8″1/2 , I weighed close to 155 and had 23.6% body fat.

I knew Dawn (then Whatley now Morris) from High School and had friended her on Facebook. I didn’t really know much about her, other than she was a great gal and had posted these incredible “transformation” pictures of herself through the XBC Program.  In January, a month before my birthday, I made a post on Facebook to look half as good as Dawn and Michelle Camina (another high school friend) who was also training with weights.  They both remarked with sweet and sincere thoughts. I kept them in my fitness journey and mind.  

I thought in January that I could do it by myself without any plan or diets.  So, I did what I know best, I ran.  I ran and ran but was only getting fatter and fatter.  This was so discouraging because it had always taken me a week….or two to get back. Now, I was stuck.  

Finally, April 1, 2012 -No Fools- I began Dawn’s XBC XFAT Lite Plan.  I will kid you not, it was rough but surprisingly filled with things that I was already drawn to and my body started to adapt immediately. The “food plan” was awesome and filling and then of course the workouts came.  I was directed not to run…..WTH….I’m a runner girl, that’s what I do. But I followed the plan.  

Before I knew it, I was ready for the XFAT program. I stuck to the plan diet wise but had some gym issue commitments due to work. Surprisingly enough, I fell in love with the gym and my muscles and I felt full-on comfortable with any other gym boy/rat out there in that “scary free-weight room”.  All and all I think I rocked it!  Bottom line at the end of my training I lost 15 pounds….140 and am now 15% for a total loss of 8.6% body fat.

Thank you Dawn and Chad and all of my XBC Friends for the support. I’m going to continue my fitness journey.  Who knows, one day I might rock a bikini at a show when I’m 50 😉

Much love!
– Sunny L. (Roseville,CA)

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