Click to View Transformation – (XFAT(Lite) Client) – I have always been the skinny girl who could eat anything and never gain a pound. I was active and played sports, but indulged in whatever food I wanted. I had never been on a “diet” my entire life. Five years ago, after some big life changes, I got back into running and trained hard for many races and ran my first half marathon. I cross trained and included swimming and mountain biking in my daily routine. I ate restrictively, but not necessarily healthy or balanced for a runner. I had a love hate relationship with running. I enjoyed the social aspect and the feeling of accomplishment, but dreaded training, the agony of race day, and always felt sick after the event. It would take days to recover and many parts of my body ached and felt beat up. It never got easier and progress was measured in minute miles and distance versus how I felt.
After some injuries and life’s demands I pulled back, stopped signing up for races and just restricted my food intake to maintain my weight. I was tired all the time. Sleep was maybe 4 hours a night, but never consecutive. Happy hour was not just reserved for weekends and after awhile I started to see changes in my body shape and not positive ones. I became the skinny fat girl! I saw Dawn’s transformation on Facebook and was in awe. Such a beautiful women who now had a body that was staggeringly stunning. I read Dawn’s posts and started reading the stories and transformation of her clients. I saw Dawn in person in March and was mystified by how happy healthy and hot she looked!
In May I pulled the trigger and signed up. I weighed in at 119 with 19.23% body fat. It was shocking to see my before pictures documenting my start on this journey. I was used to looking skinny and seeing 108 when I jumped on the scale. Dawn started me on the XFAT LITE program to ease me in. The first two weeks on the new eating plan were torture. A big shift in what and how often I was eating. No candy? No wheat beers or IPAs? No cereal for dinner? Oh boy was my body in for a shock.
This was a cleanse for me. I saw the eating plan and thought this will be a miracle if I can do this for one day without cheating! I did ok the first 5 days (my two girls would say I was a grumpy mama!) and then had a bad day and fell off the plan and ate too many doughnuts and a box of Mike and Ike’s. The next day I was very surprised how icky I felt. Saturday and Sunday were “get back on track” days and I renewed my commitment to stick to the plan no matter what. Each day got easier. I started to feel better and I was sleeping through the night. My body adjusted to this new “eat to fuel” way of meals and the workouts and there was no turning back.
After 3 weeks my girls started noticing the changes in my mood, outlook, and appearance! In 4 weeks my weight stayed the same but I lost 2% body fat! I went swimsuit shopping with my 6 foot 1 fifteen year old glamazon daughter and it was bitter sweet. I had to go down a size but I still had much work to do to achieve my goal. Confidence in my own skin. Feeling great, strong and beautiful in a bikini. At 41 this was more work than I ever imagined. It was hard to admit that this would not come easy. I would get the results if I did the work at 100%.
Progress continues and a week and a half ago I graduated to the XFAT plan and I have remained committed. My results after four weeks on the XFAT LITE program are I am down to 116 pounds and 14.6% body fat (a loss of 4.6% body fat in four weeks!). I have turned the corner. I am amazed that this was always within me. I am setting a healthy example for my precious girls that success can be measured in how we look externally but success is achieved with the balance in how we feel about ourselves. Healthy, happy and hot!
If you are teetering on the edge of whether Dawn’s plans can work for you, trust me, take the leap of faith and commit! It works whatever your goals are. If you follow her plan you will achieve success. What do have to lose? Just some body fat and maybe some insecurities. Shedding those two things in your 40’s is priceless.
When I finish my journey on the XFAT plan I will have Dawn post my updated pictures and you’ll see being “skinny” is not all it’s made out to be. I’m now my own measuring stick! I want to be a lifetime XFAT girl! (Click to View Transformation)