Post Workout Supplement Tips


You’ve just worked hard in the gym, but now what do you do? How do you make the most of your gym session, to maximise your muscle growth, to reach your goals? Building muscle is hard enough as it is, but without the correct knowledge and post-workout nutrition, it becomes a lot harder.


Protein is crucial to your muscles’ recovery. Protein however, doesn’t only help you to build muscle, it also helps to increase your metabolism, which leads to a helping hand when burning body fat. The different types of protein are also of huge importance. Whey protein, which is probably the most famous and popular type of protein available. Whey protein is rapidly absorbed, making it perfect post workout, so it has the opportunity to flush your starving muscles with a healthy and abundant dose of amino acids. Around 30 grams of whey protein will allow your muscles to grow and recover after a workout.


Casein protein is a type of protein which is much slower to digest. Usually, casein is recommended to take between meals and before bed, however new research suggests that casein protein may be beneficial to take post workout. The slower pace of the digestion of casein protein will ensure once your body has digested the whey protein, the casein protein will be available for your muscles to feed on. Around 10-15 grams of casein protein is recommended post workout.


As well as protein, carbohydrates need to be taken post workout. Sugar, a simple carbohydrate will spike your insulin, which will allow your body to absorb nutrients, such as protein into your muscle cells efficiently. This will allow and promote the recovery and growth process in your muscles. This is also the best time for your glycogen stores, which were severely depleted during training, to be replenished. The amount of carbohydrates to take will vary depending on your size and weight, and goals, such as muscle gain or fat loss. Depending on your goals, anywhere between 20-80g of sugars from something such as a sports energy drink will suffice.


Creatine is a popular and effective supplement, and post-workout is the perfect time to take it. With an insulin spike, creatine will be rapidly absorbed by your muscles, aiding the recovery process. The creatine will also be stored in your muscle cells for a better workout tomorrow. Research shows that creatine not only helps with strength and mass gains, but also with fat loss and recovery between and during workouts. Take around 5 grams of creatine post workout.
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