Dave Draper’s Top 15 Tenets for Bodybuilding Success



From Flex Staff


No-nonsense tips from the Blond Bomber


1. Weight training and proper eating combined is the most direct way to build muscle and might.


2. Right living and quality rest contribute significantly to the lifter’s progress.


3. Genetic makeup is a determining factor in the structural and muscular development, strength, and rate of advancement.


4. Many people start weight training to achieve fitness goals, only to give up because they don’t reach their expectations quickly, and because the activity is demanding.


5. Immature trainers pursuing extraordinary goals are easy prey for marketing hype.


6. Early weight training requires order in exercises, sets, and reps, and practice as the lifter focuses on form, muscle engagement, discomfort, endurance, exercise groove, and pace.


7. Exercise and eating are basic and simple in form, yet tough in application.


8. Gain weight too fast and the lifter will gain fat weight; lose weight too fast and the lifter will lose muscle.


9. Mankind’s failure to exercise and eat right is killing us.


10. External factors, such as environment, gym atmosphere, support, and inspiration add greatly to the training process and to outcome.


11. Muscle building is an ongoing process of discovery, as development unfolds as plateaus, injuries, and obstacles are engaged.


12. Hypertrophy is caused by regular muscle overload; too much overload can cause overtraining or injury.


13. Advancements from pills packed with multisyllable “cutting-edge” ingredients, or advanced methodologies are, at best, novel.


14. One of the best arguments for exercise and eating right is: What if you don’t?


15. Muscle building is not limited to building physical health alone. As discipline, patience, and perseverance are required to approach the activity, so, too, are these rich qualities developed.

– See more at: http://www.flexonline.com/training/dave-drapers-top-15-tenets-bodybuilding-success#sthash.et8Wsnkz.dpuf



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