Whole Eggs Vs. Egg Whites



By Steven Stiefel Flex


Which is better for your bodybuilding goals?


After chicken breasts and protein shakes, few protein options are more prevalent in a bodybuilding diet than egg whites. That’s because egg whites are a nearly pure source of protein, containing almost 100% of their calories from this macro with virtually no fats or carbs. So, when you’re looking to consume a whole-food source of protein with few calories, it’s hard to beat egg whites.


Whole eggs, on the other hand, contain considerable calories and micronutrients that come with the egg yolks. All of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in eggs are found in the yolk. In addition, the yolks contain the healthy fats and cholesterol necessary for the production of hormones such as testosterone. Egg yolks also contain about as much protein as the whites, per egg. Here’s a comparison of what each contains in terms of macronutrients.



When you’re seeking protein and nutrients on a low-carb diet, choose whole eggs over egg whites. Whole eggs are still a very low-calorie food, despite the fact that they contain more calories from fat than they do from protein. Keep in mind that dietary fats slow protein absorption, allowing it to stay with you for longer. Whole eggs also have a better amino acid profile to help support bodybuilding results. When your goal is to get in protein quickly, choose egg whites, but at all other times of day go with whole eggs, or mix whole eggs with egg whites to provide a broader range of nutrients. – FLEX

– See more at: http://www.flexonline.com/nutrition/whole-eggs-vs-egg-whites#sthash.O3RnXhdl.dpuf

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