by Ben Booker Six Pack Abs
You might be confused when you hear the term “metabolic conditioning” because of how often the term is used. Many heath professionals use the term when referring to a high intensity circuit that may involve moves like box jumps, kettle bell swings, and burpees. So what does the term mean and how do you know if this type of conditioning is for you?
Let’s first break down the term metabolic conditioning to its simplest definition. Metabolic conditioning refers to structured patterns of work and rest periods that are designed to elicit a specific energy response from the body. In doing so the body adapts and maximizes the efficiency of the particular energy source. Different ratios of work to rest periods demand different energy systems of the body to be used, resulting in different adaptations of the body.
So what are the different energy sources of the body? Let’s look at the different ways the body gets energy during exercise. One source is referred to as the creatine phosphate pathway. This one could be associated with the big power lifter that lifts large amounts of weight using energy for about 10 seconds or so at a time, or doing a 100 m sprint. Another energy source is the glycolytic pathway which provides energy for the activities that last between one to three minutes. This includes lifting weights or running a 400 meter sprint. The third one is commonly referred to as the aerobic system. This is the energy system that supplies the long distance runner or someone that is using a moderate to low intensity effort for extended periods of time.
Now that you are educated on what the different energy sources are, lets dig a little further into metabolic conditioning. It is important to note that while the three systems are often utilized as a primary source during a specific activity, no one source is acting alone. Throughout a workout each system is utilized at some point, but the primary energy source being used is decided by the design of the work to rest ratios. Which brings me to my final point. Metabolic Conditioning is one way to train that is beneficial for all fitness levels as long as the individual knows their own limitations. A higher intensity metabolic conditioning (like the 66 day program) program can benefit everyone as long as the individual is willing to commit to working up to their limits for the designated work period, and resting for the programmed rest period. Improvement in performance and total body composition is sure to follow with a consistent training schedule.
Studies also show that you have higher caloric burn up to 2 hours post workout when utilizing metabolic conditioning. You will be burning a high amount of calories in a short amount of time, and conditioning the body to function at a higher efficiency. So all walks of life can certainly benefit from metabolic conditioning. So get after it! Combine it with great nutrition (like our 66 day plan) and your results should be phenomenal!
Source: http://sixpackabs.staging.wpengine.c…-conditioning/