From Fitness & Power
The boot camp workout is inspired by the military preparation routines and military camps. It targets three fundaments of exercise – cardio, strength and agility. This kind of conditioning workout is way more intense than traditional fitness workouts, and that being said, it is a great calorie burning tool.
When muscle groups come in question, the boot camp workout doesn’t use any movements to isolate specific muscles, but rather it is made to load larger muscle groups and cover the whole body musculature.
Using equipment is not required, with an exception of using a dumbbell or a kettlebell, depending on the needs of the person doing the workout.
One workout consists of 4 exercises done in a circuit format. For each exercise there will be 6 sets as follows:
Set 1: 18 reps for each of the exercises
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 12 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Set 5: 8 reps
Set 6: 6 reps
After each completed circuit of 4 exercises you should take 30-45 seconds of rest. After finishing all the sets, take a 3 min break which is a preparation for the finish of 5 min abs workout which is a circuit of crunches and leg raises.
Workout 1: before every training it’s very important to have good warm up to prepare the body for the exercise.
- Walking lunges
- Triceps extension behind the head
- Dumbbell push up
- Froggies
- 3 min break followed by 3 circuits of crunches (15, 12, 20 reps) and leg raises (15, 12, 10 reps) for abs.
Workout 2: warm up 10-15 min
- sumo squat (holding a kettlebell or a dumbbell)
- Dumbbell punches
- Spiderman push ups
- Russian ab twists
- 3 min break followed by 3 circuits of crunches (15, 12, 20 reps) and leg raises (15, 12, 10 reps) for abs.
Workout 3: warm up 10-15 min
- Twisting lunges
- Burpees
- Static squat (you count seconds instead of reps)
- Single leg push up
- 3 min break followed by 3 circuits of crunches (15, 12, 20 reps) and leg raises (15, 12, 10 reps) for abs.
Workout 4: 10-15 min warm up
- Goblet Squat
- Triceps extension (kick back)
- Plank (you count seconds instead of reps)
- Knee jumps to chest
- 3 min break followed by 3 circuits of crunches (15, 12, 20 reps) and leg raises (15, 12, 10 reps) for abs.
After the circuits you should do 10 min of light stretching to cool down the body and lower break down the lactic acid build up. The routine should be done every other day, with one day of rest between the workouts, so that the body can recover before the next challenge. Before you start using the routine, do a check with your pediatrician to make sure you are able to do this routine.