Joe R.

Read Full Testimonial – (XLRG Client) – I’ve been bodybuilding since I was fifteen, and now I’m in my mid thirties.  To say I’ve tried it all is an understatement. I’ve used the pills, I’ve used the powders, even the stuff that isn’t legal anymore. My problem area has always been width…year after year, rep after rep, I haven’t been able to get my shoulders, back, and traps to break that plateau, and start putting some real size on. These days I’m on a police department SWAT team, and serve as the breacher…strength and conditioning aren’t just a matter of ego anymore, they’re a matter of survival. Several of my coworkers use XBC programs, and, nine weeks ago, I gave their XLRG program a shot. Bottom line: Dawn knows what she’s talking about.  I’ve been running XLRG for just over two months, and I finally have busted that plateau that’s been plaguing me all these years.  Here’s the real numbers:  half inch to arms, two inches to chest, a full inch to calves, and two inches to shoulders.  I was able to increase my body weight by 21 pounds on the XLRG program, but, thanks to the clean eating on the diet, I’m not some bloated, “dirty bulk” blob of goo.  All that with only a 2.2% body fat gain!  It’s not easy…I was working my tail off in the gym, and at the table, but in the end it was worth every bit. I’ll add this too, the XBC community (XBodyConcepts Facebook Group Member Page), is all about support and advice. Rookies, experts, and everything in between meet here to make sure that we all stay on track.  I can’t wait to start my XFAT program, and cut this up!

Joe R.Citrus Heights, CA