Chad M.

Click To View Transformation – (XFAT / XLRG Client)“I grew up as the original athletic tall skinny kid. I always had trouble putting on weight and had lightning fast metabolism.  Through heavy lifting over the past twenty-five years or so and lots of calories, I managed to grow to approximately 223 pounds at about 15% body fat.

Fast forward to my being introduced to Dawn and XBodyConcepts.  I talked with Dawn at length about my fitness goals and told her I had a phobia of getting skinny again, which is the opposite of most people.  Dawn somehow convinced me to give her XFAT program a try.  I did not mind leaning out but was petrified of the possibility I might lose muscle mass I had worked so hard to gain.  Dawn assured me that I would lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass.

I took the leap of faith and followed the XFAT plan to a “T.”  At the end of twelve weeks my weight had decreased from 223 pounds to 198 pounds and my body fat dropped from 15% to 6.7%.  The 6.7% body fat was calculated using a hydrostatic water body fat test which is supposed to be the most accurate available.  I was leaner than I had ever been before and still had my muscle mass that I had worked so hard to gain.

I am positive I could have continued on a follow-up version of the XFAT program and continued to cut body fat but I had now shifted gears and wanted to bulk up again.  Dawn put me on the XLRG program and customized a new meal and workout plan aimed at all out mass gains.

At the end of sixteen weeks on the XLRG mass plan I had gained an amazing 41 pounds!  I had increased my weight from 198 pounds to 239 pounds.  My body fat also increased from 6.7% to 9%.  Dawn advised me upfront that the XLRG program was aimed at all out mass gains and that I would definitely put on muscle mass but would surely gain some fat along with the muscle.  The XLRG program got me better results than I could have ever imagined.

I plan to begin a new hybrid version of the XLRG/XFAT program and am anxious to see the results!  Much thanks to Dawn and XBodyConcepts for helping me achieve my goals! (Click to View Transformation)

Chad M.Sacramento, CA