Practical Advice on Post-Training Recovery



From Fitness & Power


You’ve done a great workout and now is the time to take some rest and recover. Believe it or not, there is much more to recovery than drinking your protein shake and resuming your day as you normally do. Here are some tips that can help you to recover faster, trigger the growth process in your muscles and get them ready for the next intense workout.


Immediately after the workout, it is desirable to consume:

  • – BCAA – about 3-5 g to suppress catabolism and enhance the secretion of anabolic hormones – HGH and Testosterone
  • – Glutamine – about 3 grams, is used for energy production, to prevent the degradation of muscle tissue, stimulates the secretion of growth hormone
  • – Water – about 500 ml, required to normalize the water and electrolyte balance. It is advisable to consume table mineral water.


The second phase (20-30 minutes after exercise):

  • – Fast digesting protein – the main source of amino acids, the suppressor of catabolism and anabolic hormones secretion stimulant. Consume it about 20-30 minutes after exercise, about 30 g. If after the workout you don’t consume BCAA and other amino acids, you need to consume the fast protein as soon as possible after the end of the workout.
  • – Carbohydrates – you need to consume about 50-100 grams of fast and medium absorbing carbohydrates (maltodextrin, flour products, potatoes, cereals – rice, corn) about 30-40 minutes after exercise. If you are prone to gaining weight and you gain weight pretty easily, use only complex carbohydrates in an amount of not more than 30 grams.
  • – Creatine – 3 – 5 grams replenishes the shortage of creatine phosphate (Phosphocreatine) used as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle and the brain. . Creatine is absorbed best with carbs after the workout.
  • – More water – keep rehydrating the body with mineral enriched water.


Additional methods:

  • – Cool down after each workout. Light cardio for 20-25 minutes will do great.
  • – Deep tissue massage – improves mood, muscle tone, stimulates circulation and elimination of toxins from the muscle tissue.
  • – Sleep – a great tool for recovery after exercise


Factors that can determine how well your body recovers:

  • – Heart rate – 2 hours after the workout, when the body has calmed down, in a sitting position, the heart rate should be lower than 75 beats per minute. If the heart rate is higher, the person is either under some kind of stress, overtrained or they have heart issues. Similarly measure the blood pressure – it should be normal and around 120/80.
  • – Sleep quality – sleep should be deep and productive. Improper training regime (too much training or intensity) can disrupt the process of falling asleep. Feeling drowsiness during the first half of the day, and irregular sleep at night are common symptoms of overtraining.
  • – Feeling of well-being – It usually goes away if you are not well rested and recovered. This is one of the main signals, but one that is often neglected.


Remember, progress is available only at full recovery.





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