Historically testosterone therapy was only indicated in men with pituitary tumors and testicular dysfunction. Dr. Morgentaler pioneered the field when he started to treat men – who did not have any underlying pituitary tumors and testicular dysfunction – with Low-T with testosterone therapy. His patients reported improved erections, libido, orgasm, as well as increased energy, mood, cognition and well being.
This use of testosterone therapy in otherwise healthy men defied standard medical practice in the 1990s…
Dr. Morgentaler concern at the time was prostate cancer… in his presentation Dr. Morgentaler outlines his work on testosterone and prostate cancer, which led to the publication of a notable study in the respected JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association). His study was the first chink in the armor of the story that high a testosterone level is bad for the prostate and that a low testosterone level is protective. His study clearly showed that low testosterone is not protective against prostate cancer.
Dr. Morgentaler then presents the history behind the testosterone – prostate cancer dogma, and his ongoing work which culminated in the “saturation model” in 2007. The saturation model consolidates the opposing findings that castration or Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) is used to treat with prostate cancer, and that high levels of testosterone do not increase prostate cancer incidence.
Testosterone has also been blamed for being “bad for the heart”. Dr. Morgentaler ends his lecture by presenting several studies that refute the media hysteria, showing that testosterone therapy reduces mortality by half, compared to men with low testosterone levels who do not receive testosterone therapy.
Dr. Morgentaler says “everything we once learned about testosterone is wrong”:
– High testosterone: no evidence it contributes to increased risk of prostate cancer or its aggressiveness.
– Low testosterone: not protective. It is actually associated with worrisome prostate cancer features.
– Testosterone therapy in men with prostate cancer: there is no evidence that it “pours gasoline on a fire”, except in androgen deprived men.
Dr. Morgentaler answers the question “Why do we still fear testosterone?” with a quote from Charles Darwin:
“A belief constantly inculcated during the early years of life, while the brain is impressible, appears to acquire almost the nature of an instinct; and the very essence of an instinct is that it is followed independently of reason.”
Testosterone Therapy – a 40 Year Perspective on Prostate Cancer | by Dr. Abraham Morgentaler
Source: http://www.ironmagazine.com/2016/everything-we-learned-about-testosterone-is-wrong/