Bicep Blast


By Dave Dreas ISSA, CPT Men’s Fitness

When you head into the gym, the box, the track or wherever it is that you choose to work out, you’ve probably got a plan written out, it’s on an app or it’s mapped out in your head. You’ve got everything covered from start to finish, except for the intensity. Sure, your intensity can be written and be prepared for, but when it truly shows is when you set the workout log to the side and get to work.

Here at Men’s Fitness, we strive to find and share some of the best tips and tricks to consider when trying to bring your A-game, every time. Personal trainer, Dave Dreas, ISSA-CPT gives us an Intensity Amplifier that delivers a bicep beatdown.

Preacher Curl Eccentric Drop Set

The famous quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie Pumping Iron sums up this Intensity Amplifier. This finisher is geared toward destroying your biceps and pumping them up at the end of your workout. It might give you that feeling Arnold mentioned and leave your arms crying for your post workout sup stack!
Routine Goal:

The goal of this exercise is to mix up your finisher by adding an eccentric drop set twist as compared to your tradition concentric movements.
Routine Notes:

a. Set up the preacher curl bar with 3-4 10-lb. weights on each side (depending on your strength)
b. Eccentric portion of movement should last 4-5 seconds
c. The only rest in between sets is when you remove the weight off the preacher curl bar.
d. If movement is to easy bump rep set up to 8 reps.
Routine Structure:

1. Start out doing 5 eccentric heavy preacher curls.
2. Remove one 10-lb. weight on each side and immediately continue doing 5 eccentric preacher curls.
3. Again, remove one 10-lb. weight on each side and immediately continue doing 5 eccentric preacher curls.
4. Your last set is when there is a 10 -lb. weight on each side.

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