by Jay Cardiello Men’s Fitness
Ever wonder how your level of strength and fitness matches up against others?
Today you’re about to find out. Listed below is the Pull-Up Mayhem Fitness Challenge, that is made of three intensely-insane protocols that promise to test your strength at every level. Before you jump up to the bar and begin this challenge let’s go over the rules:
> You will have 2 minutes to complete as many of the following protocols as possible.
> You will be given a 60 second recovery between each protocol.
> All Pullups must be performed properly with full arm extensions and chin completely raising over the bar.
Pull-Up Mayhem Fitness Challenge
TEST ONE: Pull-ups
MISSION: Perform as many pull ups as you can in 2 minutes.
Coaching Tip: Use chalk, it will decrease bar slippage and allow for a more definitive grip especially when the first break of sweat erupts.
TEST TWO: Squat-Ups
MISSION: Perform as many squat-ups as you can in 2 minutes.
Coaching Tip: Begin in a full squat position. Explode off of the ground, jumping high enough to grab onto the bar. Use your momentum to pull yourself over the bar and perform a pull-up. Retract and repeat as many times as possible.
TEST THREE: Burpee-Ups
MISSION: Perform as many burpee-ups as you can in 2 minutes.
Coaching Tip: Begin by performing a standard burpee (minus the push up) As soon as you jump to your feet, explode off of the ground and perform a pull-up. Descend back towards the floor and repeat.