XFAT Client

Hi Dawn, I took my after pics and had my body fat tested. I started out with a 28% body fat and ended at 18 %. I lost a total of 20 lbs during the XFAT workout and lifestyle (Diet) plan. I learned so much about eating the proper foods for fuel and not just for pleasure. The food was the most difficult part for me. I learned how to cook several different types of recipes and did not get frustrated at myself if I fell off the wagon occasionally. Having been a skinny hard gainer until the last few years I never had to worry about what I ate. Once I got older the weight began to add up. Additionally, working the type of job I have which requires me to work odd hours without much sleep it is difficult to find food late at night. Planning my meals and cooking in bulk ahead of time really helped.  Overall, I felt like I have more energy, stamina and strength. I have never had so many people in the gym compliment me on my change in physique. My wife is also very happy with the results. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all of the encouragement and advice along the way. This plan has changed my life.

The one piece of advice I would like to tell current and future members is this. Going to the gym used to be a time for me not to just workout but to socialize with friends. When you start this program tell your friends in the gym ahead of time so you don’t suddenly become the guy (or girl) that offends everyone. I was so focused on my training and rest times that I no longer had time to socialize. I recommend buying a shirt that says “I’m not an asshole, I’m training.” So many times people would be talking to me and I would either just be in the zone and not hear them or I would force them to follow me throughout the gym to talk because I wasn’t stopping. I just recently completed the Tough Mudder challenge. I never quit throughout the 11 mile course and although I was tired and sore I had some left in the tank at the end of the challenge and felt great.

Lastly, your plan provided me with a very descriptive program. There was no guessing as to what to eat and when, or what body part to train and how and when. It was all there written on the paper in front of me. Just follow your plan and your goals will follow.

Thank you again, a very lean

– Joe M. (Grass Valley,CA)

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