XFAT(Lite) Client
For starters, I’ve never been a big person or massive body builder and I wasn’t the healthiest eater around. Sure, I ate my veggies and all, but I enjoyed the not so healthy stuff more than I should have, especially “The Dew”. I worked out occasionally, but nothing like I needed to. I was definitely lazy and easily out of energy. I developed the “mushroom cap” hanging over my pants, had to have some trousers taken out a little bigger, and was not happy with what I saw in the mirror.
Then I heard some coworkers talking about XBodyConcepts and the results they were getting. I actually saw them losing weight and enjoy talking about their progress. I mentioned my interest toChad, who unbeknownst to me, was engaged to Dawn…. who would soon become my trainer. Chadinvited me to the XBC Facebook group site. I started reading the posts and following other people’s progress. I was hooked, but wasn’t sure how to start. I talked to my wife, Lea, about it at length. It seems she wasn’t too happy with her own progress. I talked toChadseveral more times about the programs. He would always end with, “Talk to Dawn, she’s the pro”. Seeing how I was pending 2 major joint surgeries I was hesitant, but talked to Dawn anyway. Dawn suggested I start a plan prior to surgery to get my body ready for the healing process and that sounded pretty good to me.
On 5-29-12, Lea and I made the decision to start XBC and see how it went. Dawn was fast and sent us our individual plans on 6-1-12. Lea and I both started the XBC XFAT(Lite), but our meal plans and workouts were different and focused on what we each wanted to achieve. My goal was to get rid of the “love handles”, lose the fat and build some much needed muscle & tone. When I started, I weighed 180 lbs (not the muscley lbs) with 17.5% body fat, a 36 ¾” waist, 41” chest, and 14” biceps.
Through the 6 weeks of my plan, I saw visible changes and felt changes in my energy. So prior to my first surgery on 7-11-12, I had lost 15 lbs of fat, gained 10 lbs of lean muscle, decreased down to 15% body fat, lost 2 1/2″ inches from my waist, increased my chest to 42 ½”, increased my biceps to 15”, and increased my overall lean muscle mass. I got excited to hit the gym and work out every day. If I had to miss a workout for work or something else, my day was thrown off and I felt sluggish.
Now I’m not going to lie, keeping to the meal plan was hard. I missed all the junk food and savory cooking that Dawn cut out of my everyday eating. And at first, eating 6 times a day felt like way too much. Every 3 hours I was like, “What, again???”. But after the first week or so, my body actually started to crave the meals every time. Did I stay totally committed to the plan? I’d love to say yes, but I have snuck a piece of candy or a beer here and there. Did I miss the junk food and greasy stuff? Nope, not at all. The clean eating made a difference and I was excited to see how I continued to progress.
After my ankle surgery, Dawn helped modify my workouts. My cardio went from legs to the arm cycle. This was different, but still very effective. Getting through the gym on crutches was a feat, but like I said… I needed to get to the gym. Doing this helped to keep the gains I had achieved and the fat loss I didn’t want back.
My next surgery, which was on the elbow on 8-15-12, has shut me down from the gym for the next 6 weeks. This was a total bummer, but I knew it was coming. The sad part, my mass decreased and I dropped in weight to about 160 lbs. The good part, using the meal plan designed by Dawn is helping me keep the fat off, even without being able to work out. I have about 4 more weeks to go, but I am totally stoked to get back in the gym and get the muscles going. I’m sure Dawn is already planning my new plan to get me back on track and ready to go.
Now here’s the kicker…. I’m 42 years old and I’ve had 3 shoulder surgeries, 3 knee surgeries, 1 hernia surgery, 1 ankle surgery, 2 elbow surgeries, 2 shattered elbows, 2 broken ankles, 1 fractured wrist, several broken fingers, and have 2 cracked lower vertebrae …… and I’m still hitting the gym! No pain meds, no “hey I need pot for pain”, and no whining on why I can’t workout. With the meal plan and workout regiment designed by Dawn, I’ve achieved more physical fitness than I ever have!
As for Lea’s plan, she looks and feels amazing. I think she’s even more addicted to the gym than I am. But that’s her story to tell. Thanks Dawn for helping us change our lives and making a difference in our appearance and overall health. Oh yeah…. BAM!
– Darryl O. (Roseville, CA)
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