XLRG / XFAT Client “I contacted XBodyConcepts because I wanted results!  I had friends who had gotten amazing results from the XbodyConcepts fitness plans and I wanted to have the same success.  I have been lifting weights for approximately thirteen years and have always been a hard-gainer with a fast metabolism.  My goal was to finally put on muscle mass. I contacted Dawn at XBodyConcepts and she devised a customized weightlifting and meal plan that met my needs.  Dawn created a meal plan of foods that I really liked and that were easy to eat and prepare.  At the end of twelve weeks on the XLRG Mass Plan I gained 18 pounds (started at 184lbs and ended at 202lbs) of lean muscle mass and maintained virtually the same body-fat.  Not only did I put on muscle mass my strength went up a ton!  The fact that I had such trouble putting on weight and then gained 18 pounds in 12 weeks with huge strength gains is amazing to me.  XBodyConcepts gave me the plan and I did the work.  Together we got the results! I will now be starting the XFAT program to lean out for summer.  I can not wait to see what kind of results I get from the XFAT plan.  I am sure they will be nothing short of amazing.  Thank you very much Dawn and XBodyConcepts!” – Trevor M. (Sacramento,CA)

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