By GI Team Generation Iron
Does it feel like no matter how much progress you make that there’s always something else that you have to worry about when it comes to building up your physique? No matter how diligent you are, there’s always some area of the body that needs to be worked upon, an area to be improved in order to get the best results. Whether you’re gunning for big wheels or get a hug back, there are so many muscles present at each area of the body that it’s easy to neglect a specific muscle group.
Where the arms are concerned however, it’s just a matter of being smart about what exercises are needed in order to get the optimal results. For biceps the exercises are pretty straight forward. The majority of the exercises revolve around pulling movements like curls and even pull ups depending on what variation you use. But even more than the bicep, the most important muscle group to develop is undoubtedly the triceps.
The triceps are a larger area of muscle than the bicep. Some bodybuilders become obsessed with building up the biceps and getting some mountainous peaks, but that really shouldn’t be as much of a priority. If you wish to have some awesome arm development then focusing on the triceps is a good idea. The bigger your triceps are, the bigger your arms will appear. By performing exercises that focus more on pushing techniques, building up the body part should be relatively simple. But it’s critical to get the movement down correctly in order to get the best results.
Victor Costa is a natural bodybuilder with a plethora of knowledge on building up the physical form. His breakdowns are pretty helpful for those looking to improve their physiques and he has an in-depth breakdown on exactly how you should work your triceps for optimal growth. Take a look.
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